Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Freeing Cuba

No, I haven't forgotten Cuba. My aim is still a free Cuba but let me explain my thinking. Once I realized that the United States had been toppled by international bankers who were in effective control of the American government and network media this changed the entire equation. I suddenly realized that Cuba was not free because this is the way the bankers wanted it. I also knew that directing my attack at the Castro regime was a waste of time. Attacking Castro would be like trying to free Gaul from the local barbarian while ignoring the Roman Empire. Sure the Castro boys are still pipsqueaks. However, even if I figured out a way to dispose of the twin tyrant siblings what good would it do? The bankers using our secret police and that of the British and the Israelis would be fomenting false flag terror and black ops until they had regained control of Cuba. Worse than this reality is these evil bankers are planning on murdering millions of people in the very near future in what I believe will be a futile last ditch attempt to save their banking empire. Among the weapons at their disposal are nukes, chemicals and worst of all the biological weapons. They have used all these before and they are about to use them again real soon in a big way.

I have told you the truth. Some exiles condemn me for doing so. But so far I've been right. I tell you Cuba will not be free until the international bankers are defeated and the U.S. government returned to the control of the American people. I realize many Cubans don't understand my tactics. That's because they don't yet realize that the U.S. government is controlled by another enemy even worse than Castro. These international bankers are already responsible for the death of millions of people and incalculable misery which of course includes Cuba's misery. The bankers backed the Castro boys and promoted his "revolution" over their own media empire. They still prop him up. When it suits the banker's needs a new Cuban revolutionary leader will be installed once Fidel is officially dead. And just in case things swing away from socialism in Cuba you can bet your bottom dollar that the bankers have a Cuban Hamid Karzai all lined up and ready to lead Cuba where ever the banksters want it to go.

I'm not fighting for that. Cuba would go from the fat into the frying pan trading Castro for the bankster scum. Exiles need to quit being suckered by these usurpers pretending to be our allies even though they double cross us at their pleasure.

Remember the Bay of Pig!

So you will see amigos. Cuba will be free but not until we defeat the bankers. You have been waging this futile war against the Castro boys while your main ally is in reality our enemy. There lies the path to Cuban freedom. Freedom will come when we break the bankers and not before. Perhaps you might give my tactics a whirl amigos. It is the thing that the secret police fear the most with regards to me. They worry that you exiles will believe me finally about their treason for the foreign bankers.


Blogger Unknown said...

I am Andy Cardenas, grandson of Melanio Diaz who was temporary Ministro del Interior for your grandpa.

I know what you are saying.

Your cuzz Candy turned me on to your name/blog.

All I can say is "awsome dude."

6:22 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Hey Andy,

Yes Candi was telling me she spoke with you. Small world aye?

6:35 PM  

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