Vaporizing Concrete
What? How dare I question my government?
Well Glenn Beck, Chris Matthews and the rest of the shills for the rogues who killed 3000 of my countrymen can KISS MY ASS!!!
I am an American! It is what we do!
By the way, in the video is exactly how fast those buildings fell to the ground that day - at the speed of a gravity free fall. But the official conspiracy tale said the building crashed through themselves and did that building unzipping thing. You know, the old pancake theory where the floors above drop and unhinge the floors below, right?
But where are the pancakes? At ground zero there was zero evidence of the existence of even one floor. Look at the pictures! Any of the pictures! All you see is pulverized concrete and those giant steel support beams sliced at 45 degree angles into neat lengths that were perfect to be haul away by truck to be disposed of.
First comes their smear.
Employed to disparage.
Then a new world order from this convenient marriage.
My apologies. After watching this video more closely, it turns out Building Number 7 actually fell faster than a gravity free fall. The building fell at the speed of gravity in a vacuum. How?
The only possible explanation is explosives were used to bring down the building in an implosion. Part of the physical dynamics of a building implosion is a vacuum is created as a result of using explosives timed in the correct manner. But to make a long story short - the building dropped out of the sky to the ground even faster than a rock!
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