FBI & CIA Gotta Go
No this does not mean all the G-men are traitorous crooks who should swing from the end of a rope for high crimes and treason. It is just the leadership of these agencies that are unAmerican scum who have sold out their country to the international bankers. They are vile disgusting traitors. They don't protect us from terrorists. They ARE the terrorists!
To sum up, we have been defeated by the enemy. Our time as free Americans is nearing the end. Part of regaining our freedom depends on the elimination of the secret federal police. All crimes are local and are the responsibility of the state and local authorities to deal with and not the feds. A free people has no use for a government agency that spies on them as well as being unable to protect them. These agencies must be closed down so we can examine the records to decide which officials should merely be fired and which should be prosecuted for high crimes and treason then justly punished.
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