Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Wife's Right

So far at least. She said before the election that the Republican party leadership put McCain up for president because he was so bad that the Democrats would be sure to win. She says they did this because they, like me and a few other forward thinkers like Peter Schiff, Max Keiser and Gerald Celente all knew the economy was going to go into the toilet. She figured if the Democrats were in charge during the greatest depression then Americans would revolt on their leadership and perhaps never elect a Democrat again. This fiasco was not due to a lack of oversight. Lew Rockwell sums up the swindle here so any fool could see the rip off.

Be that as it may, is Scott Brown a party hack for the Republican Party leadership? Will he tow their party line which means continue to sell out his country and countrymen to the invading international bankers? Or will he be a patriot and double cross the traitors in the Republican leadership? I hope it's the latter.

Scott, if you're not sure what to do let me give you a bit of advice. The problem with America is it has fallen under the control of greedy foreign bankers like Rothschild and Oppenheimer as well as domestic traitors like Rockefeller. They use the Congress like their own personal social engineering toolbox. The dome of fools where you are driving your pick-up to is filled with these dolts who believe they can manipulate our families, neighborhoods and nation into their vision of happiness. They and their minions in the bureaucracy are meddling do-gooders who are bankrupting America to the joy of the international banksters. So what would a patriot do?

Please vote to return the time, body and money to the rightful owners - the American people. Stop all of this expensive collectivist nonsense. Obey the Constitution to the letter absolutely. This requires honest representatives to acknowledge that 95% of everything the federal government is involved in is totally illegal and must be stopped before our economy totally collapses. We have no military business occupying hundreds of nations with our troops - the military industrial complex/international banksters do. BIG BUSINESS! The federal government has no authority under the Constitution to outlaw drugs, gambling, certain toilets, etc. These are state functions of law. The fact is the economy will not improve until our federal overlords get the hell out of the way of the American people so they can get back to work.

If you choose to go along with the traitors in the Republican party leadership rather than the American people the economy will not get better this time. Our nation will split apart in violence. This is the goal of the attacking foreign bankers because we will be much less troublesome to their global plans if we are warring amongst ourselves. Is that what you want? Will you follow the directions of the party leadership or the interests of the American people?

Time will tell.


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