Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another Lame Federal Reserve Shill

The shill named Miskan on CNBC this morning was doing his shilling best but to no avail. He looked pitiful! His argument was if the audit went through it would make the Fed decisions in the future political. HA!!! Poppycock! The fact is if they are not audited we'll never have any idea how political they already are down at the private central bank. His lame logic was if the Fed wanted to raise rates then any irate congressman could threatened the Fed with an audit unless they kept the rates low.

But my thinking is an audit is no threat at all unless you are engaged in blatant political favoritism right up to willful criminal activity and treason. So honest bankers at the Fed threatened with an audit should say, "bring it on. We have nothing to hide."

However, by the way the Fed and their hired shills are acting they must be hiding something really big!.


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