Monday, June 08, 2009 Reads My Blog

Boy I've sure gotten somebody's attention in government. Does anybody know who these apparatchiks are? You see, I present a dilemma for the traitors in our government. On the one hand they want me to shut up and quit telling the truth. But they sure don't want to draw any attention to me or my blog. So they are stuck. Naturally, they read my pages looking for some evidence to take me out. If only I would just advocate doing something violent then they could swoop in and remove me. But the only violent words on my blog come from the shill the traitors to America sent to make comments. But I have banned the shill for vulgarity, violent threats to me and my family as well as their lame attempts to manipulate the perceptions of my readers.

Alas, it's not my style to be violent. In fact, I don't support the death penalty even for Dick Chaney. I do feel he should be given a fair trial along with his accomplice George Bush. But life in prison is what I advocate if they are found guilty. Their wealth should be confiscated as well and given to the survivors of the 3000 innocents. In the mean time I don't go anywhere except work and home. I'll never fly again until the traitors to America are brought to justice. I'm growing my own food and stocking up on provisions. I think this game will be up soon. I see the whole scheme unravelling with the collapse of the economy.

These scum thought they were pretty clever like most criminals. But there are now too many variable to manage...too many loose ends. Soon one of your media assets will betray you to save their own ass. Then the traitors' names will be Mudd. Tomas is not a violent person but the same can't be said for many Americans. Once they discover how they have been dupe they are going to be in a rage. I wouldn't want to get in their way. That mob will be filled with angry people including cops, the military and honest government officials shocked by this treason.

The truth is coming out traitors. Your time is running low. Maybe you should confess your sins and ask forgiveness.


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