Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Berocos Menocál Wrong Again

The government shill who's comments I block because he is a vulgar idiot asserted that he was going to steal my wife away. But as usual he is always wrong. She is still my wife. That would make Berocos Menocal just another jerk-off without a girlfriend. Quit pleasuring yourself, clean up your act and get a girlfriend fool.

Don't be a computer nerd virgin all your life. You only have a couple years left before the erectile dysfunction sets in.


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Shill want's to comment but I blocked her. She is really pissed at me amigos. It's not enough that her handlers in government control all the mainstream media so they can lie like dogs to you every day. But shill pouts about me not letting her comment on my blog. TOUGH!

Bugger off shill! You will never speak a word on my blog again! Deal with it fool!

5:49 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

The shills is back again crying that I won't let her comment. Cry cry baby. Oh you are so pitiful little girl. Why don't you just comment on one of your lying network news programs. They like that type of programming. Everyday I show another American the truth about 9/11 and there is not a damn thing your shilling ass can do about it. Your days are numbered you traitorous dog. Go bark your lies elsewhere! We don't want your fascist fleas here!

12:27 AM  

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