Friday, November 14, 2008

In The Near Future

Very soon it will become apparent to anyone with a functioning brain that the more one listens to the big media the worse off one becomes. Conversely, the more one ignores the big media or even better, interprets their lies to discern the truth the better one's chances for survival.

We are fast approaching the perception tipping point where everyone finally realizes that we are governed by a collection of dupes and shills working for the international bankers. Perhaps it will be the failure of GM. It could be the run on banks that is sure to come. At any rate, when this time arrives I don't know what will happen. Obviously, most Americans are basically ignorant quasi-savages or this mess could never have occurred. The bankers got control of the education of our kids about 100 years or so ago and now we have several generals of granite-like thinkers.

So at this point I see a great deal of chaos, which will be used as the excuse by the very same criminals whose greedy ways caused this mess, and they will respond violently. The international banker government you elect every time because you don't want to waste your vote will take the opportunity to cull the herd a bit of the deadwood in society - as they see it. Convicts will be given one bullet in the head. There is ample evidence that this has already occurred in Louisiana during Katrina. Street people will begin to disappear. The old will be left to wither and die from hunger or lack of medical care. Everybody is going to be hungry except people like me who are stocking up now while the opportunity still avails itself. Finally, people who talk too much like me will be eliminated especially if they keep talking too much. So bloody tyrants, when you make your big crack down all I have to say is, "yeah fascism." You'll not hear anymore griping from me my overlords...

It doesn't have to be this way. Americans could pull their heads out from you know where and begin shouting the warning like Paul Revere. Best of all they don't even have to hop on a horse in the middle of a cold night screaming the alarm. The truth is the truth is found right here on this blog and many other places on the net. Sure discovering the truth is stressful but it will be a walk in the park compared to what awaits your future. When you realize the truth, after you calm down, spread the truth to your loved ones so that we all might have a chance to overcome our foes.

Even if you can't alert the world to the coming new dark ages, the sooner you wise up the more prepared you shall be to survive.


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