Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Greedy Desperate Rulers

Isn't it getting obvious to even the most duped among you that we are being ruled by a collection of greedy fools way over their heads in troubles that they themselves caused? The economy will come apart even faster than I had expected and the scum risen to the top scrambles to staunch the flow of blood before the patient realizes he is dead.

Why be surprised? Bush has bankrupted everything he has touched. He has a long history of failure. Then there is the Congress and Senate mostly populated by the ignorant, the greedy and the greedy ignorant. The oath of office to defend and uphold the Constitution is clearly written yet all but Ron Paul have had great difficulty upholding the true spirit of that oath. The Constitution is the owner's manual for America but these fools and scoundrels decided to wing it without following the directions. Next we have the big media owned by the real owners of America - the bankers. For almost 100 years our people have been unknowingly snared into their free range slave trap dependent on the liars in big media. What can we do to save ourselves?

Firstly, ignore everything the above mentioned questionable individuals assert as well as anything anyone affiliated with them say. Go to cash and precious metals as fast as you can. Accept any employment you can find as we are heading into a deflationary depression and even a little money will go farther than you have been use to. Everyone should use any patch of ground they have access to for growing food. Well I could go into a whole list of things you should do after ignoring the above liars who are trying to keep you sheep from a panic attack. But at the end of the day you should learn to live like folks lived about 100 years ago and do likewise if you plan to survive the approaching decade of downturn.

Yes, being the world police department has cost us our fortunes. So we had better wise up, get up and get working to make some more don't you think? It will be stolen as fast as you can make it however as long as you have these greedy pirates and their banker bosses in charge. So as we rebuild the American economy from scratch remember this reality and replace every scoundrel in government at the first opportunity possible. You should have done so a couple weeks ago but you made a grave mistake that will cause you and I two more years of failed collectivist policy driving the depression even deeper. By 2010 I predict you and I America will vote for the same candidates for office - for the first time ever. I will finally have picked a winner!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to be fair you should not cut any slack for the Obamandroid Bolsheviks...

7:19 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I have not cut him even one ounce of slack. I don't support any collectivist, anytime from any party. Ah alas, I can but condemn only one maggot at a time. It seems so unfair but that's life...

8:09 PM  

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