Monday, October 20, 2008

Voter Reality Separation Syndrome

Television is truly remarkable for being able to make people believe what is exactly opposite to the truth. There's that little old lady tooling down the highway today proudly displaying not only her Obama bumper sticker but also a "War is Not the Answer" bumper sticker. She thinks Obama is actually pro peace! Incredible! She does not realize that he has completely funded the war in Iraq, wants to ratchet up the war in Afghanistan, attack Pakistan and even nuke Iran. How can she be so deluded?

Then there is McCain trying to tag Obama as a socialist after just voting for the nationalization of U.S. banks with Obama. The fact is both these characters ARE socialists during their entire political careers. Sadly they, along with the majority of Americans, ARE also socialists and do not even realize it. So they will vote for more socialism this time again, if the polls are correct - and they may not be but we'll have to wait and see.

You'll vote for more socialism, get more socialism, make your lives worse, poorer and more out of your personal control then demand even more socialism to fix the failure of past socialism. Where is it destined for is social collapse as we're witnessing in Cuba. The government has promised everything but now they cannot deliver anything except empty rhetoric and unmet promises. All that nothing and they gave up their freedom of personal choice to wind up in starvation, homelessness and otherwise destitute.

And most of you will vote November 4th for the Cuban model.


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