Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Cuban Weather Dry


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey gringo, what you are telling the Cuban people to do was done for a decade by the CIA and failed, but why bother to learn from history when all you want for Cuba is a burnt shell for you to move to and demand a free house just because of your name, everyone in Cuba knows that your great grandfather was a stooge and puppet of the Americans, you loon, if anyone in Cuba gets killed because of you...you will pay dearly.

You talk the talk but refuse to walk the walk, we - yeah, WE - called your show and you refused to answer our call, technical diffuculties, please, you know we would destroy your argument in seconds, that's why you did not answer the calls.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Sorry I missed your call Cher. Try again this week. We can discuss the ample firewood now waiting for the Cuban people. But you have nothing to fear...unless the Cuban people are not happy. Time will tell. Time will tell.

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will call you, but we don't expect honesty from you, we know that you'd rather die than admit you are wrong.

You are calling us Cher for whatever the reason, we are not fags, OK? we can make a deal to not call ourselves names, at least for this week and while we talk on the radio, but only if you agree to be honest, we agree to be honest too, and we are not in Cuba like you say, we are in New Jersey and we are not castro spies, we hate all comunist and socialists.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Okay amigo. Deal... There is always a chance I can be wrong.

6:03 PM  

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