Monday, September 29, 2008

Wining On Wall Street

The babies on CNBC are weeping into their microphones. The taxpayers aren't gonna give them another $700 billion to gamble with. Awww... Now, even though the market and housing are falling to there actual value, the financial weepers are crying because their portfolios are worth less. So you wiz kids obviously made unwise investments and now you demand billions more from those who work for a living?

Well, Americans are forming a list of the gang of 205 to target for defeat on election day. The main stream media is operation in high gear spinning the notion that anything negative about the economy is because they didn't get their bailout. Well that's economic crap! You are ignorant dupes or manipulating shills on the Hill. You traitors decide. I won't be able to sleep easy until I can get to the polls and vote against that low down snake Steny Hoyer.

As for the Representative who defended Americans I thank you and commend your decision.


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