Thursday, May 01, 2008

Good Morning Cuban Youth

I have noticed many more of you coming to my blog in recent weeks. Something is going on in Cuba to make this possible. For whatever the reason I thought is wise to address you all personally to point out some facts.

Firstly you will not find any lies here. I tell the truth no matter how ugly. Secondly, our governments are a pack of scoundrels, liars, thieves, cut throats and murderers. I have no use for either. While there is no Miami mafia per se, the U.S. federal government is a criminal gang like the mafia - but without the code of honor. The difference between most Americans and you and I is we know our governments are deceitful and selfish while the duped American public believes the U.S. government is working on their behalf and honest. They are also under the delusion that the media here is independent from the government and reliable.

So amigos, you have come here searching for answers to your dilemma. You will find them here if you study these pages hard. Basically, what is wrong with both our countries is the belief in "collectivism." Collectivism comes in many forms like communism, fascism, democratic socialism, etc. but they have a unifying factor. In all these collectivist systems the rulers get to issue group rights, responsibilities, rewards and punishment while forcing the individual to sacrifice their time, body and money to the group. TO HELL WITH COLLECTIVISM!

Join the INDIVIDUALISTS' INSURRECTION!!! Neither George Bush nor Fidel Castro gave you these human gifts - the creator did. Therefore how your personal assets are used should always be YOUR business as long as you are not hurting someone else. I want you to own your time, body and money because I know of no other way in which you will be able to secure your future but with your own mind and hands. You have been led to believe that collectivism will make you rich and set you free. Fifty years of this nonsense proves that belie3f to be ridiculous.

I have laid out completely in these pages a new economic system for Cuba for you to examine. It is based on individual liberty and honesty in government. It forbids the fiat monetary system that both Cuba and the U.S. employs to aid in enslaving us. The plan recognizes that wealth is the stuff we want and need to lead a decent life like food, toilet paper and even some luxuries. It explains that wealth is a combination of human labor and the land. It recognizes that for all of human history society has been built on the backs of labor while allowing the land barons to monopolize and horde the land tax free. My economic plan for Cuba will reverse this stupidity and leave human labor tax free and while taxing the market value of the land to pay for society's needs.

So if you young people are tired of being poor and bored then read up on this economic plan. Feel free to ask me any questions as I'm sure you will have many. Spread the word and we will build a wealthy, peaceful Cuba faster than you could have ever imagined. You can't get back time. If you waste it all it is gone and you're dead. Almost 50 years is a long time to waste. Is is a shame that so many have already died and never known peace and a decent living. It would be a pity as well for you young people in today's Cuba to waste your whole life. Remember, the individual is the most powerful when he is joined by other individuals who are unified in their demand for their own liberty. If you all believe then you cannot be stopped in your march to peace and prosperity.


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