Friday, March 28, 2008

Know Your Enemy

In the masterpiece "The Art of War" it says that if you know your enemy and know yourself you need not fear a thousand battles. I have only recently become aware of who our real enemy is. Alas, most of you still do not have a clue. We have been the victims of the greatest, most evil conspiracy ever perpetrated because so far it is still successful. Our enemy felt righteous in the cold blooded murder of 3000 innocent victims whose only crime was to go to work on 911. So far these God fearing pretenders believe they have gotten away with the mass murder because most of you remained duped. Let me tell you why that may soon cost you your life or at the very least your way of life as you know it.

The rogue element within our government that I am so desperately trying to warn you about is still in control today but that control is slipping. People in the world basically fall into two categories. The majority of people find the idea that a rogue element of the United States government could murder 3000 of its own people so preposterous that they will not even take up fifteen minutes of their time to go onto the Internet and investigate for themselves. The cool thing about the Internet is it contains all sides of the argument and YOU get to decide. With respect to the American government genocide of Americans, the evidence is overwhelming in support of a rogue part of our government committing genocide against us. But the majority of Americans are fat and lazy. They must be spoon fed their news from the TV. So they agree with Bill O'Reilly that there can't be a conspiracy because they'd put it on TV or write about it in the papers. These foolish ones never consider that all of the media is owned by only a handful of people today and they might actually be players in the conspiracy. So you duped Americans can be depended on to remain on your fat asses and not devote your attention deficit challenged time for viewing this approximately one and a half hour video presented by the head of Engineers for 911 Truth. In it the well respected engineer logically explains why the government's explanation of 911 is not scientifically possible. Therefore the other group of people on the planet are a growing minority who have taken a look on the Internet on their own or been the benefactors of news stories in print or TV as is the case with the British who have seen the truth on BBC broadcasts which we have been censored from witnessing. Once you see the truth you can never go back to believing what the government says about 911. So my group grows by thousand each day while the doubters' numbers fall. Soon the number of doubters will be equal to those still believing the earth is flat.

And therein lies the danger. The rogue element in our government who felt righteous in murdering 3000 of us remain free and in control. They have at their disposal the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet. They possess small pox in quantities to wipe out people not immunized. They still have plenty of anthrax with which to attack us again. They control our drinking water. They own the river and sea ports. They control all air travel which includes the ability to remotely control any commercial airliner they choose. They have built concentration camps large enough to contain millions of us for labor exploitation and extermination. They oversee our food production and distribution. They are in control of our money supply.

I could go on but you get they point...I'm praying. At any rate there is really not much time to suffer fools who won't even bother to investigate. In fact, if I would have just kept my mouth shut I would be much safer. As it is now I am a marked man. When the evil rogues initiate the next wave of terror I personally will be in danger. I want you folks who survive to remember that it was your amigo Tomas who tried to warn you. The rogue scoundrels will surely go nuclear next time around. That means several million of you will have to be murdered to forward their "noble lie." However, if enough of you start asking questions we might be able to freeze them with indecision. We may be able to get THEM running for the exits.

So for God's sake please investigate. But you can't stop there once you discover that I am telling YOU the truth. You then also must become a messenger of the truth if you love your country or you can kiss America as you have known it good bye. You must come to know your enemy or we are all doomed. I surely can't beat them alone.


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

You free range slaves are incredibly powerful and dangerous to your masters. That's because you do not actually realize that you are slaves. How can we not be slaves when our masters felt it just peachy and fine to kill 3000 of us to scare the rest of us into compliance with their delusions of world conquest?

9:20 AM  

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