Monday, February 25, 2008

A Free Market

People get such strange notions of how a free market would look and operate. Some people actually believe America is a free market nation. We are not. Right off the bat, a free market country would be one where it is free to market one's goods and services. So a free market nation would not have collectivist economic schemes like a "progressive income tax" or "sale tax" because this is more than free. If it costs one penny or greater to buy the privilege of functioning in a marketplace then by definition it cannot be free. Therefore places like America are really "punishment markets." The more economic activity you generate the greater the government punishes you with a myriad of taxes and fees. If you do really well then the government might even "windfall tax" you.

The other aspect of a free market is the regulatory mechanism. A free market is regulated by everyone taking responsibility for all of their actions but enforced in the Courts. At the end of the day this is the only way you will be compensated even in today's heavily regulated world. Even if the EPA for example finds that somebody polluted your property and fines them - they get to keep the money, not you. Your only recourse is to sue. In a free market society government could mandate openness and full discloser by commercial entities and of course demand honest non fraudulent behavior. But regulatory agencies have actually gotten in the way of victims seeking compensation from industry. This is natural in a punishment market because most regulatory agencies are populated by the very people who the agencies seek to regulate.

If you have been too scared by your masters blabbing to you over their teledivisions to even consider living in a free market look at it this way. Would you be richer or poorer if you could keep all of your earnings? Would you get wealthier or poorer if you could buy what you liked free of tax? Would your society become wealthier or poorer if everyone around you had this same deal? Would a life of crime make more sense with all this legal opportunity available, or would a life of crime be less attractive? An honest person would have to admit that society would be wealthier and more peaceful. In fact the only reason you could ever think otherwise is because your masters bombard you with nonstop propaganda with their media weapons. Remember, if your government masters actually did a good job they would for example eliminate all the poor people and in doing so the need for their government jobs as well. If the police did eliminate all crime then there would be no need for cops. You see under all collectivist government economic schemes there is a built in disincentive to actually achieving success over their field of responsibility. In a free market the smarter and more hard working you are the wealthier you become. It's self correcting. But punishment markets designed by our collectivist masters factor in failure to achieve their goals - domination and control over the masses and their resources.


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