Friday, January 18, 2008

Welcome To The Neoconomy

I wonder how many people still think spending billions of dollars expanding the neocons' world empire is a good thing? Some think this economy is bad. Soon they will remember it as the good old days. The Federal Reserve is pumping lots of freshly printed money into our collapsing economy. That will only delay and deepen this recession while causing prices to continue to rise faster than incomes. With the decline in profits businesses have no choice but to lay off more employees. More unemployed means business profits decline still further causing even more unemployment. Wall Street investors are on the edge and ready to begin bolting for the door. Banks will fail causing depositors to be paid off with more fiat money further increasing inflation and draining the Treasury. Since the neocons have already spent the Social Security Trust Fund on their foreign military adventures the system is pay as you go. But with growing unemployment there will soon not be enough workers paying Social Security to keep the system afloat causing the neocons to print even more money to prop up that government program.

This is what you get when you let liars, scoundrels and thieves run your country. You reap what you sow. Americans are now going to get a very good lesson. Lets hope the nation survives it.


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