Saturday, January 12, 2008

Cuban Exile Ron Paul Smear

No, Cuban exiles did not start the Ron Paul smear campaign. That was the neocon's MSM. But after being smeared by Castro for all these years exiles should have recognized a smear when they saw one. For shame... But their kangaroo court, I see, has already reached a conviction with but one piece of evidence that Ron Paul did not even write. They ignore a lifetime of good this man has done and the preponderance of evidence to the contrary. Sure sounds like one of Castro's kangaroo courts. You reap what you sew. I am proud to call Ron Paul, a man I've known personally for 30 years, my friend. Funny thing is if you are my friend I will defend you to the end when you are innocent. I've defended many Cuban exiles against misconceptions and smears created by Castro. I will continue to do so. This includes those who are participating in this smear campaign. However, now when someone attacks them with the truth of their participation in this smear I have no defense for them except they have been duped and to please forgive them.

These misguided exiles are not bad people. They have been easily manipulated by the neocon MSM in this smear campaign. So I forgive them too. They don't understand what they are doing or see how they have been manipulated. One told me we could not be friends any longer because of this. That is true. I do not let anyone spread lies about my friends and family in my presence. The most I could be with people like this is an acquaintance who is working for a common goal - a free Cuba. This was a shock and a real disappointment because I thought I knew them better. But I was mistaken about their character. We now could be nothing more than polite acquaintances. This does not mean we could not be friends in the future. There is always a chance that these otherwise intelligent people will realize they have been used by the MSM in this smear campaign. All they would need to do is say they were sorry about spreading lies and half truths about my friend and mean it. I'm not a person to hold a grudge. But I'm not a person who tolerates lies about my friends and family spoken in my presence so I cannot interact with these exiles who smear my friend with the castro-like lies. That is how I deal with the pain that their hurtful lies cause. I have gone cold towards them. I feel no emotions towards them any longer which means their opinions don't exist to me either. They do not exist in my world. I can't go to their blogs anymore because they spread MSM neocon lies on their pages about my friend and that makes me feel badly. I don't have to read them and since these exiles are not in my circle of friends any longer I won't be seeing them anymore either so I don't have to hear the lies either.

So that people do not think I am painting all exiles with the same broad brush, many exiles do support Ron Paul. These exiles are still my good friends. One in particular is an example of a good friend. He has done exactly the same amount of research on Ron Paul as the other exiles who smear Ron Paul - little or none. But when I told Don Royce Roy that Ron Paul was my friend and a good person that was good enough for him. Thanks for being a good friend Don. Good friends are important to me and harder to find than I thought. I appreciate you in times like this.


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

The positive aspect of this shameful situation is I get lots of hits from Canada and Europe. These people see the consistent and honest positions I take based on the guiding principle that Ron Paul advocates (not initiating violence to achieve our political and social goals) and I have something that many other exiles are not given by these folks - credibility. So when Tomas Estrada-Palma then says Castro is evil and vacations to Cuba are bad for the Cuban people, dangerous and expensive they believe me. When other exiles assert something Canadians and Europeans come to my blog to see if it's true.

12:14 PM  
Blogger bookster said...

Tomas i feel your pain my friend. I like RP libertarian ideas of freedom, liberty and personal responsability and he must be commended for having the courage to stand up speak truth to power and make those neocons squirm.

That being said what bothers me is how Ron has handled this controversy. I posted my thoughts on this post.

Remember the old saying "Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres" or "La Verdad nunca ha sido guapa"

He needs to out those who wrote those things otherwise he will be guilty by association.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I hear what you're saying. He accepted his responsibility in the matter for not being in control of his political organization of people. He is sure being punished good for his lack of judgment on people he thought he knew. Then they showed their true feelings and the damage was already done to Ron Paul's image. I know how he feels. I'm not as good a judge as I thought.

But here's the thing that is so frustrating, amigo. I've been a proud part of this movement for over 30 years! The others in the Libertarian movement all "get it." We all have the same binding philosophy. We swear not to use fraud or to use violence to achieve political or social goals.

Unfortunately, our respect for the non violent opinions of the individual leads some kooky people to say they are part of our movement or that they support Ron Paul. Libertarians, while condemning say, racists, will not attack them violently to stop them from their belief as long as they are peaceful. But don't ever believe Ron Paul or any true Libertarian could be a racist or Nazi or some of the crazy things I've heard. They'd be expelled by the party and vilified by the movement savagely.

They have a few beefs about Ron Paul too, don't get me wrong. But they are purely policy especially his immigration stance. I too was bothered but he got me to think about the economics of the current situation and I realized he was right. That's why he's going to be the next President. He has been right for more than 30 years and the terrible things that he warned about are happening right now. They will get much worse this year unless the Federal Reserve practically gives away interest free money to float the economy until after the election to sucker the Americans just one more time. I warned you all this time last year these times were ahead. You can thank Ron Paul for that.

But my main point is, if you think a man is not pure and he is also a lifetime holder of a Libertarian Party Membership Card I will tell you that you have been foolishly duped at the least and sinisterly lying at worst. These Libertarians are rabid about their beliefs on fraud, racism, using violence, threatening violence, etc. Even a hint of some of the things that have bizarrely been suggested were true he'd be expelled instantly!

But thanks for the honest dialog free of unfair accusations. I really appreciate it amigo.

1:34 PM  
Blogger bookster said...

Tomas, philosphically i'm a libertarian and politically i'm an independent though i've always tended to vote republican. Not this time, this batch of republicans, come across like authoritarian and fascists, hell they make hillary socialim look atractive and apealing.

As far a RP getting elected, i don't see it nevertheless the peacefull revolution that he started will grow, just like goldwater in the 60s when he gave birth to the conservative movement that got regan elected in 70's.

I'm starting to take a look at OBAMA, he like paul has a sensible policy towards CUBA, he's against the WAR and respects civil liberties.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I agree with you. The wild cards that come to mind are the economy and dramatic set backs in Iraq. I believe this revolution actually has a shot at working. Even if he won though we're in for bad economic times. It's proven repeatedly historically. It's what's wrong with the expandable fiat money. It causes boom bust cycles. Look at things before 1913. The economy then was the most stable in our history. Then a few corrupt bankers ripped off their depositors, which gave the federal government the nod to "protect" our bank deposits by being able to print you up some fresh money anytime they thought you needed it. Look at all the previous empires. When you couldn't trust the value of their money any longer the empire collapsed. We are at the doorstep of collapse.

Bringing home a million troops would be great for our economy but not so for the countries where they were stationed and by the way their people hate us too. Why do you think townships and states go crazy here in America when the military say they will close a base. But many of these troops would just be redeployed, especially national guard, along our porous borders so there would be zero chance for entry. They could train in these areas for example. Probable the terrorists are already here so it's too late to stop them. Unles s Ron Paul is right and they hate us because we're over there. If all of us were over here and they still attacked us then Ron Paul would be wrong. But I'll bet you double odds he's right. Thanks again. Watch for the as yet unseen intangibles that will surely arise. This is going to be interesting.

3:21 PM  
Blogger bookster said...

Tomas, i have a different take on the RP revolution than you. I see Ron more of as a political philosopher than a politician. He has re-introduced the ideas of freedom, personal liberty, small goverment,non-intervention, respect for the constitution to many of us, specially the young people. Now is up to each one of us to keep those ideas alive and spread them and elect politicians that uphold those ideas.

As far the economy, you are right on. My advice is get out of debt, live frugally, the recession is here and it will get worst. There's a town here in southern california, a tent city for people that have lost their homes.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Amen brother. I'm sorry to hear about the tent city. My wife and I are very frugal. No debt. Own our cars, no credit debt, etc. Living on this farm I'm planning on having a huge garden. My wife just became a nurse and I'm at the Washington Post so we are very fortunate now. In the past no. I wonder how many of those tent people will be voting Ron Paul though? The neocons have nothing to offer them that's for sure except forclosure.

4:13 PM  
Blogger bookster said...

Hey i'm like you no debt started doing that years ago. I live the gospel of self-reliance.

About the tent city just google
tent city ontario, california, you can read the stories about it, there some youtube on it also. Soon to come to other cities in the USA

4:48 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Thanks a million amigo! I'll do just that.

5:03 PM  
Blogger bookster said...

Tomas, are you familiar with LEWROCKWELL. I seen his name come up in many blogs as being the author of those hideous letters. Lew is a close friend of RP and use to be his chief aid and that's why ron doesn't want out him.

There's this open letter to lew at dailypaul

This is what i referring to in my post. If this is true mr rockwell needs own up.

11:18 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I have read some of his writings in the past. I don't know him personally like I do Ron Paul so I can't vouch for his character. I'm not concerned if Ron knows somebody who might have been a racist. Who doesn't? When someone in your circle or that crazy old aunt or whoever makes some racist comment you cringe. Then you look around to see if anybody heard the remark. You know how they feel is wrong but what can you do? Many times they are usually very old people and you know you have zero chance of changing their beliefs. Maybe you scold them to keep their voice down but more than likely you change the subject quickly to avoid embarrassment and to keep from having an argument with somebody who, while being a racist, is still your old granny or crazy old uncle, etc. That's why I love hanging around with Libertarians like Ron Paul. There is never a hint of racism or other moronic behavior. For example the times I've attended the Libertarian Presidential nominating conventions. It is so cool to be in a hotel with thousands of like minded Libertarians. There is absolutely no reptilian behavior - just complete respect for every individual no matter what the skin color, religion or private lifestyle. It's like living in the future. Then you have to go back home when it ends to this sick, violent narrow minded world. So to call a completely non violent man like Ron Paul a racist or Nazi or fascist is not only bizarre, it demonstrates a complete ignorance of Libertarianism. Does that mean somebody, somewhere, sometime in the past hasn't done something unprincipled but call themselves a Libertarian? No. We can't stop people from calling themselves whatever. Have there never been Democrats for example who have not committed rape, assault and murder? But does that mean all Democrats do these things? Of course not.

6:31 AM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

By the way CorgiGuy those were rhetorical questions meant for others. You don't require any enlightenment from me in my humble opinion.

8:05 AM  
Blogger bookster said...

Tomas, thanks for your reply. I finally wraped my head around this, here's how i got there. None this guys/gals running for office are perfect, we can certainly find dirt on any of them if we google enough about them. I think is wiser to measure a person by the sum of his/her life, by his family, by his integrity, by what they done with their life. RP has been married to the same woman for 50 years, has a built a solid family, a doctor, served in the military, a congressman that tells me more about him than those stupid letters. Is this what we call a kook? Or is this more a reflection of today's AnaNicole/Brittany brain dead society we live on, that is content with having the media defined for them the fairy tale heroes.

Hey if you ever want google/talk send me your email at, i'll send you an invite

11:52 AM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Thanks amigo. I will do just that.

1:00 PM  

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