Friday, December 07, 2007

The Real Reason They Hate Us


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Let me give you this warning my friends. Just because most of you do not know our history in the middle east and the meddling and even over throwing elected governments, does not make you safer. You see I do not believe you are hypocrites. Rather, I believe you have not learned of things like our CIA overthrowing the elected Iranian government in 1953 and installing the Shah to rule over Iran for us. Did that make it okay for them to kidnap our diplomats? Hell no! But sooner or later you have to act like grown ups and say "Look, we've all done some stupid things. Let's put those mistakes behind us and start a new day." Then we need to bring our empire grabbing troops home from the 130 countries that they occupy now so we can defend ourselves in America. In addition our empire cost are bankrupting us and allowing those 130 countries to kick our economy's ass because they do not pay for their own defense - we do.

I'll bet you this! If the Iranians killed Eisenhower back in 1953 and installed an Iranian backed US president until 1979 - you'd still be mad as hell. Then why don't you think it fair that the Iranians should feel any different? The fact is Iranians are saddled with a crappy government now which only barely clings to power by the uniting force of their hatred for what we have done to them in the past and how we menace them right up to today. If a new principle, fair-minded U.S. government were elected to stop this foolishness then the Iranian government would be run out of town by the Iranians themselves. I don't concern myself with anyone's dislike of these facts. Ignoring these facts causes one to vote for Rudy, Hilliary, Mitt, Fred, etc.

This is an open challenge. Tell me I'm wrong about my history or how one should feel about it if it happen to them. I'm waiting...

12:19 PM  

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