Friday, November 09, 2007

Poll-cats At It Again

Everyone must wonder how Ron Paul can raise enormous amounts of money yet does not show up in the polls. The reason is they don't include his name in the polls. Then they say since he did not poll at least 5% he has to be excluded from the Republican debates. This sort of unfair behavior by political hacks, polecats, the MSM and all those hoping to feather their nests with your labor, should be particularly alarming to Cubans. We have seen these deceptions before.... Wake up!!!

Look at this AP poll:

Ipsos Public Affairs Project #81-5861-66 Page 2 November 5-7, 2007 AP/Ipsos Poll [ONLY ASKED OF THOSE WHO ANSWERED “REPUBLICAN” TO PARTY AFFILIATION OR “LEAN REPUBLICAN” TO FOLLOW-UP] {Base size is 361 respondents} 1b. If the 2008 Republican presidential primary or caucus in your state were being held today, and the candidates were...for whom would you vote? 1b1.

First choice ONLY 11/5-7/07

Rudy Giuliani 29 %

Fred Thompson 19 %

John McCain 13 %

Mitt Romney 12 %

Mike Huckabee 10 %

Other 2 * %

None 7 %

Sam Brownback* - 1 %

Newt Gingrich* - 7 %

The reason the above maggots appear in the AP poll and not Ron Paul is this is your selection of choices that the elite offers. All of the previous AP polls excluded Ron Paul's name as well! And even if you vote for Ron Paul these Stalinists are the ones counting the votes. Even so I get damn angry whenever I'm being manipulated! You should too! Haven't we been used long enough by these criminal governments? Come on people!!!



Blogger Fantomas said...

4:36 PM  

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