Friday, November 09, 2007

Danny Glover & Sean Penn's Buddy Chevez

Here is an example of how your buddy Chavez treats unarmed students who are protesting to have the same rights as you Hollywood assholes. What Hugo does is send in masked gunmen to shoot down kids at school. Hugo's big hero is Che who was a famous racists who once said, "The Negro is indolent and lazy..." Danny do you consider yourself indolent and lazy? Maybe not but I can assure you that you and your Hollywood gang are all ignorant as rocks. Maybe I'm wrong? Why don't some of you elitists Hollywood maggots explain to me why these kids needed to be shot by Chavez goons? Dime

Sean Penn you are a disgusting oaf. When you lay down with dogs you get fleas! I will personally hound you till the day I die over your support for the baboon Chavez. When you support evil you become evil. You have done a bad thing. Life takes from the takers and gives to the givers. Your day of reckoning is near. In the mean time I will fantasize about burying my foot deep in your dumb asses everyday. Stay out of MY way boys! Your ass is mine now!!!


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