Saturday, October 06, 2007

Your Permanant Assignment

My father in-law is here visiting from England. He's a nice man who had the usual misconceptions about Cuba, especially concerning the health care myth. But a few minutes of getting my wife's laptop working on the network and up came The simple act of looking at those horrible hospital pictures of treatment unfit for dogs was all it took to get David thinking that maybe what he had believed was cruelly wrong. Could he have been chumped? He's a smart man and lord knows he does not like to be fooled and is not done so easily. I left him by the computer on that marvelous website of George's and he clicked away looking at the pictures.

We don't have television networks and national newspapers telling the truth about Cuba. We have lots of Cubans on their knees crying over the misery of this situation and the unfairness. WELL I SAY GET OFF YOUR DAMN KNEES, QUIT CRYING AND JOIN OUT NETWORK!!! We don't need CBS any more than they could give a rat's ass about us! We have already laid the foundations of our network thanks to dedicated Cubans like George and his website. Now we just have to train the rest of you Cubans how to use the network. We don't have the luxury yet of just passively airing and printing information that the people of earth are already used to looking for. So we million Cubans and our friends have to each and every one of us do just like I did with my father in-law this morning to have the exact same effect that the networks now possess.

In fact our only problem is most of the Cubans who read these blogs are not taking advantage of the network we already have. If you each day have not:

1. Started up a conversation with a co-worker or neighbor about how sad the state of Cuban health care, hear them say "I always heard it was good" then show them website showing the truth;

2. Emailed the link to one of the blog site telling the truth to a MSM outlet to correct a story about Cuba. It won't change their editorial policy but it will wise up a columnist who usually think of themselves as compassionate. Once you know the truth you cannot have compassion for Castro.

3. Rattle some chains of commerce with your emails complete with links to the blogs that show the destruction and evil perpetrated by Castro.

4. Email one of the hundreds of Congressmen, the Senators, the President and other government officials, many of which are so busy lining their pockets, feathering their nests or getting laid - they have no time to seek the truth about Cuba. Bring it directly to them.

There are many other ways but you get the idea. We do not have millions of people coming to us for information like the networks. So we need a million Cubans bringing it to them. By doing it that way we can be even more effective than the networks. But the rest of you have to get up off your asses each day, quit crying and get busy...


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

There should be two types of Cubans. A few take the time to create blogs and websites that collect the information on Cuba and are the backbone of our network. The other even more vital part or the network is our sponsors. We don't have big pocketed advertisers paying to get our message out. Therefore you million Cubans and supporters must fill that gap. Be an information sponsor. Take a small bit of time each day to bring someone to our network. They will thank you for it so don't feel you are imposing. God knows the Cuban people will one day thank you. They think people don't care. The people don't know. Tell them please. Become familiar with your Cuban communication network. Know where to get the right pictures and information at a couple of clicks to show the truth. The truth is powerful when experienced personally. You now know your assignments. Each day do something to promote the information on this network. Get busy!!!

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not us Tomas, we even convert Hooters' employees to our cause, take care..../

10:50 AM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Yes and in her case the pleasure was all ours, aye?

8:30 PM  
Blogger Asesor Homeschooling para Chile said...

Las fotos de The Real Cuba, nos ayudan a demostrarle a los demas el mito de la "salud cubana" y como el gobierno ha humillado al pueblo cubano.


7:55 PM  
Blogger Gusano said...

haha la contrarrevolucion lives!

8:41 PM  

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