Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cuban Government & The Internet

Boy oh boy the Cuban government never saw the Internet coming. It used to be that they counted on the fact that most civilized people got all their information on television. The information blockade was so easy to accomplish because they knew only so much air time was available each day for the networks to show. So Cuba never reached the radar screens of the outside world. Ten years ago tourists were being royally shafted in Cuba by the communist treatment too but the information blockade was effective at hiding these transgressions. Today injured and abused tourists can get their stories out to the rest of the world about how horrible their Cuban vacation was. Most of the world could still not give a damn about it but a very important group does care - perspective travelers to Cuba. Nowadays travelers, before heading off to pick a vacation destination, first hit the Internet and Google. They read about the horror stories that include severe illnesses contracted by food poisoning, shoddy treatment by hotel personnel, shortages of everything including toilet paper and even murder.

I am an honest man. I do not make up these revelations about Cuba - I cut and paste the words of the victims so no more travelers get hurt and even more importantly, no more Cubans are victimized by the tourist dollars which fund the Castro tyranny machine.

The information blockade has been broken! The truth now floods out of Cuba. Outsiders can no longer hide in their ignorance about Cuba and the communist junta that has run Cuba into the ground cannot hide behind the information blockade. We have broken through it. We have abused tourists who return from vacation with horror stories complete with high resolution digital photos. We have Cuban friends and family members who have ways of getting information out. They can get back into Cuba and back out again as long as they have enough bribe money for Castro. You see Castro would put his own mother or sister out on the streets turning tricks if the money was right. Our Cubans come back and relay the truth about Cuba so easily these days. Also with the cell phones, laptop, DVD's and other electronics the information blockade has ceased to exist. Finally, it is Castro himself who pays his best people 50 cents a day then gives them computers at work. These Cubans are my second largest group that read my blog. Castro has left the information back door wide open while he dicks around with Radio and TV Marti.

That is why Raul has ratcheted down the Gestapo tactics a bit and tried to put a kinder face on the regime. But I do not want to play nice now with that bloody murderer now that he pretends to act civilized! Your days are numbered Raul! Get out now with your miserable life while you can.

And if you tourists think you are going to have a swell vacation in Cuba you better Google Cuba a bit more...


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Hey do any of you Cubanos or tourists know how Raul Castro knows I've updated my blog as soon as I've done so? Just curious is all...

12:03 PM  

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