Thursday, August 12, 2010

Police Economics

It's interesting watching the police getting themselves fired everyday. This phenomenon is especially noteworthy since most police haven't even made the connection yet. It's probably why an understanding of economics is not required to be a cop and perhaps it is even frowned upon by the traitors signing the police paychecks. The police would do well to remember where their money has always come from - the people.

In the days when my grandfather was a cop they were known as peace officers and they were respected. Sure the same criminal gang of bankers finagled prohibition on America but the majority of cops never went for it. Doing so naturally would in effect be disturbing the peace unless the individual was in the streets being drunk and disorderly. Then my grandfather surely would have run him in to the drunk tank. Otherwise, prohibition be damned, my grandfather looked the other way like most other cops.

But today's cops haven't given much thought to the morality of their dubious behavior going about doing their "jobs." Clearly, they mostly cannot be considered peace officers any longer. Be that as it may, many and still more to come will lose their jobs. Here's why. Every victimless criminal you arrest for the scum at the top of the bankster heap your actions cost well over one year's salary for a cop. Just the jail cell alone costs tens of thousands of dollars per year. Add to this the court cost and worse yet - taking the taxpaying defendant out of the productive economy to waste away in jail and as Donald Trump says, "You're fired!"

So police officers, go ahead and grab another vegetable violator - get yourselves fired. Look I'm not happy about this situation either. Here's why. Local and state police are being laid off all over the country. At the same time the federal government police are on a hiring binge. Why do you suppose this is happening? How do you civilian, former cops think you will be treated by the impending occupation of the federal police forces? Which one of you current cops will lose your job this year or next because you continue to diminish local and state resources enforcing this nonsense? Remember, now that the states and localities are broke they are just letting lots of the inmates go anyway including the bad guys.

The way to stop the bleeding of police jobs is quit doing the dirty work of the filthy traitors at the top. Simply stop arresting all non violent, non fraudulent perpetrators. Look the other way just like my grandfather Ray Carroll did back in the 1920's in Washington, DC. For God's sake people save your jobs and while you're at it perhaps the nation as well.


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