Monday, December 21, 2009

Scapegoat Storm

The invaders destroying our economy in order to take down America must keep devising new scapegoats to blame so Americans stay duped. The fact is the economy has been ruined by illegal money - the fiat dollar.

So when I realized we would get hit by a huge snow storm I knew the shills would blame the terrible Christmas shopping season on the weather. Perhaps the invaders will get away with it. They have been 100% successful thus far lying their way to the top. Most Americans remain duped about the dollar scam. But the invaders are in trouble. Americans are wising up and will soon reach a critical mass of enlightenment. Next year should see the end of the majority of politicians' careers - unless something were to occur to stop the elections from happening at all.

I believe either the representative of the foreign invaders will lose their jobs next year or we will have another false flag attack which will eliminate those pesky elections.


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