Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Where were the regulators? How could Bernie Madoff have gotten away with a 50 billion dollar swindle? We need stronger regulations right?

Please do not let yourselves be so easily fooled, amigos. You must realize by now that large swaths of the federal government are no more that private, privileged, gangs bent on looting, raping and pillaging their way over the American public whom mistakenly believes that these pirates are operating in our interests. Generally, most regulators come from the industry in which they regulate - or they move into these industries they have just finished regulating where cushy jobs await them. Even if the regulators do find wrong doing the punishment is almost always a financial slap on the wrist and the victims don't get the money - the government gets the fines.

So in reality, regulatory agencies, especially centrally planned federal bureaucracies, are gangs that give the public the illusion that everything is being done above board until the perpetrators get caught, at which time the regulators say they can't do a better job regulating without more tax money. Imagine if you screwed up really big at your job then you told your boss that he could expect you to continue screwing up until you received a healthy raise?

Here's the reality. Every federal regulatory agency should be closed yesterday. They are no more than a collection of little princes and princesses who rule over aspects of our private time, body and money. The fact is, if the courts were not being wasted running a drug user war on minorities and the poor to provide slave labor for the prison industry, then they would have ample time to adjudicate damages for those who act inappropriately in the marketplace as well as in their private matters that spill over into the private lives of others. Add to this fact the Internet, which is making it harder to hide criminal activity, both private and government sponsored everyday, and we Americans should have no problem regulating our own lives.

The Internet means we don't have to fight for our rights any longer. The Internet gives you the opportunity to enlighten yourself then act as one to defeat the scoundrels who try to enslave you. After we become enlightened, we purchase as one, boycott as one, move as one and think as one. How do you fight that? Why would you need crooks to be the regulators of your life and property if you decided to become wise instead?


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