Friday, March 13, 2009

An Oath

There are terms we use to describe a person who would take an oath to say, defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution, then once the words leave those lips that person immediately sets about to become the very enemy to that document which they have been charged to defend. Firstly, we call them dishonest. They are liars pure and simply. They are manipulators who use our tax money on useless endeavors like paying a shill to comment on this blog to hopefully keep fooling you of the duped class of Americans. They are selfish scoundrels who only think of their own needs.

Yes they are many things but at the end of the day they are traitors to this once great nation whether the majority of duped Americans realize it or not. But the thing that disturbs me the most is you picked them America. You were fooled by the fake left/right fight into believing that you were the one who picked the lessor of two evils. I never understood how you can pick evil. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not blaming Americans for this mess. Billions of currency crack greenbacks have been spent to massage your perception of reality. So I forgive you guys. But the traitors...they should do hard jail time. And the second the rest of you wake up that is what will be in their future. In the mean time I can't wait to hear what their shill will say about these words. It's usually vulgar and a mere couple of years perhaps from his rubber pants days. So take it away shill.


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

But the shill decided to comment on the post just after this one to appear as if he knows about Cuba or Cubans. But he is a traitorous shill working for the U.S. intelligence people and complete scum of the earth. After the money Ponsi scheme finishes collapsing we'll find these maggots and put them in jail for many years. It is why the maggot shills squirm so much now. They know what awaits them when they lose.

3:10 PM  

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