Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Message From Cuba & My Response

Mil gracias por haber aclarado esas facetas de la compleja personalidad y accion de estrada palma, figura que hemos evocado de manera bastante eliptica y reductora en el marco de las oposiciones ....

Un saludo.


Many many thanks! You know I live a very comfortable life now. I could just shut up a do quite nicely for the rest of my life.

However, I can't do that. I can't be comfortable while so many suffer needlessly. Cuba, like the U.S., has so much potential wealth. In both nations the rulers reduce production of wealth by greedily demanding their ill gotten cut of our labor.

All we need is for the individual to own 100% of their own labor, real money based on gold and silver and a society funded mostly by the Georgist site value taxation model to have a very wealthy country.

This is the dream that I wish Cubans would put into reality. I dream that Cubans, who are so desperate now, would one by one spread these simple truths to one another until every Cuban understood. Then they would rise up as one and make my dream become a reality.

If Cubans did this they would also be freeing the people of the world as well. Now there is a truly revolutionary idea.

Merry Christmas amigos!


Blogger LVTfan said...

I have the same wish for the US -- that individuals get to own 100% of their own labor, and that we fund our common spending by site value and by collecting the economic rent on other things that, even if they were unknown to the classical economists, they would immediately recognize as "land" -- natural resources, electromagnetic spectrum, water, pollution rights, etc.

Merry Christmas! Work for justice and peace and prosperity ... for all.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

You are very wise! Thank you.

Merry Christmas to you!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Fantomas said...

Feliz Navidad Tomas

7:07 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Merry Christmas to you as well amigo

7:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You are right on target, Tomas. The natural resources are the birthright of society, and those that use them should pay to the community for the privlege of their use. What is called "economic rent" would be sufficient to pay for all public services, and totally supplanting any taxes on people's labor or goods.

Fortunately we can now demonstrate the validity of these ideas with the power of computers.


9:51 PM  
Blogger CJB-BCJ said...

Interesting concepts. Are you saying that we should regress to a klan led or village style of living?

10:11 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Not exactly CJB. But under the recognition of a Constitution the strongest level of government with the most power is the local/city government with the State followed by the smallest level of government - the federal government. In this Swiss-style canton set-up people get to live as they see fit in their own villages without mandates from central powers so easily corrupted.

But the site value concept is a way to fund society that is fair and not destructive to the very society being funded. It is the least destructive form of taxation. Read "Progress and Poverty" by Henry George and you will agree with this proposal. Everyone who reads this masterpiece agrees with Henry George. It stops urban land hording - the main cause of poverty along with fiat funny money.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

hwbatt understands the economics I discuss completely.

Thank you!

10:13 AM  

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