Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ignorant Americans

When our government hatched the plan to murder thousands of us on 9/11, the one reality they counted on was the level of ignorance of the vast majority of Americans. They knew that as long as the truth never came out on any of the television networks, national newspapers or news services then we all could be duped. Sadly, most of you remain duped. I feel sorry for you all. When I tried to explain what happened on September 11, 2001 to Fantomas he flat out told he did not believe it. His reason was he saw some TV program on the History Channel that supposedly explain how there could have been no conspiracy. Unfortunately, the History Channel is also owned by the conspirators.

How can exiles be so astute knowing the MSM lies totally about Cuba yet be so stupid and believe everything else they spew forth? I see why the rest of America has been hornswaggled but that so many exiles were fooled I find hard to believe. The one thing that the conspirators did not understand was the power of the Internet. They were the ignorant ones who thought all they had to do was blow up the command bunker in Building number seven that horrible day, where they coordinated the explosive detonations that brought down the towers - and they would get away with it. Fortunately for Americans we have undeniable scientific facts on our side and the Internet available to keep the drum beat growing louder and louder until we force the truth to be acknowledged.

I still cannot tell you who for sure were part of the conspiracy but I know what did happen that day. Agents from our government took down 3 World Trade Center Towers that grim day using timed explosives killing thousands of Americans. But we should all be careful not to rush to judgment and start calling for the lynching of George Bush or Dick Chaney. Admittedly, they must be top suspects. But this conspiracy crosses many borders and has perhaps a few thousand culpable guilty parties all told. That the facts are coming out so fast now, we face a grave danger and must employ the greatest of caution. If it does turn out that it was our top policemen, the president and vice president, who were involved in the conspiracy, what do we do? This situation has the potential to rip this nation into pieces. The government would lose all its credibility and moral authority to govern. There is the grave potential for chaos to ensue as we prosecute these criminals.

Therefore, here is what I suggest. Once it finally becomes apparent to the rest of you that our government murdered thousands of fellow Americans, calm and deliberative thought must take hold. All federal government powers should be liquidated and governors of the fifty states would see that order is maintained within each state. The state legislatures around the nation would call for a Constitutional Convention, the purpose of which would be to prosecute the guilty and amend the Constitution to restore individual rights and clarify restrictions on federal power. Mind you, there is a distinct possibility that some of the state governors are conspirators as well so we should initiate the Constitutional Convention at the soonest possible date.

But Americans, while ignorant, are not a people to be trifled with. Once this information is widely understood more likely what will happen is civil war or at the least rioting in the streets. Americans will want to lash out violently but this is the complete wrong thing to do. This in fact may be the real plot to destroy America. You see, it could be that Bush and other top leaders were duped into agreeing to participate in the plot not realizing they would eventually be double crossed by the international bankers and sold out. The international banker cartel would very much like an America broken into several countries and mired in civil war. Don't let that happen. Remain calm amigos and we can get through this disgraceful national nightmare.


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