Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Really Angry Tourist

Really Angry Tourist

Why would the Cuban government treat their paying tourist customers horribly but give special treatment to high ranking Cuban government officials at the resorts? Why? Because they know the end of the regime is near and they are enjoying themselves while they can even at the expense of making tourists angry. The top officials know this economic scheme is collapsing so they don't care about tomorrow. Read below about the segregation and mistreatment of tourist and ask yourself: Is this any way to run a business if you want it to succeed?

"At this resort, the 'Rich - important Cubans' are able to vacation as well. Locals are given a red wrist band. Foreigners (ourselves) are given green wrist bands. Green banders (as we called ourselves) are treated by second class citizens, the waiters, bartenders made us feel like we truly were not welcome. The Red Banders were given first service, excellent service and the green banders were practically ignored."


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